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EstraMonitor – A monitor for amperometric detection of estrogenic activity with Arxula adeninivorans yeast cells as the biocomponent.

EstraMonitor – A monitor for amperometric detection of estrogenic activity with Arxula adeninivorans yeast cells as the biocomponent.

Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Giersberg, Martin; Uhlig, Steffen; Hanke, Gerold; Simon, Kirsten; Kunath, Kirstin et al. (2012)

Published in:

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 161 (1), p. 137–145.

YouTube videos for GUMsim software online

July | YouTube videos for GUMsim software online

It's our aim to provide comprehensive support to our customers. We offer free demos as well as individual and comprehensive advice. 

As of now we aditionally offer software videos via youtube for GUMsim, a software for determination of measurement uncertainty. Users can inform themselves about the software's functions and find assistance as some features are explained in detail:


Review analytica 2012

8 June | Review analytica 2012

From 17 - 20 April the 24th edition of the analytica took place in Munich. With over 30.000 visitors, it is the leading trade fair for modern laboratory technology and biotechnology. The QuoData was represented at the trade fair with its own stand, which attracted lots of visitors.


QuoData sponsors nursery schools

7 June | QuoData sponsors nursery schools

QuoData sponsors a traffic education program for a nursery school in Dresden. We assume the costs for the book "Safely through the traffic with Poldi". 

The background is, that more and more children under 6 years are involved in traffic accidents. Hence the police focuses on prevention and we want to contribute our part to that. 

Furthermore we support the Kita Leubnitzer Straße with their "Zuckertütenabschlussfest" for the preschoolers. 


QuoData wieder bei Firmenlauf

24 May | QuoData participated in sporting challenge

The REWE-Team Challenge, a sporting challenge through Dresden’s old town, enjoys great popularity.

This year over 7,200 runners were at the start.

Eight QuoData’s in two teams successfully participated in it.

With a total time of 1h 44 min our men team achieved the 331st place. The mixed team needed 2h 9 min for this run and achieved the 776thplace.


QuoData at the analytica 2012

15 March | QuoData at the analytica 2012

The leading international trade fair for laboratory technology, analytics and biotechnology – the analytica – is taking place in Munich on 17-20 April 2012. QuoData is participating and will present its products and services at its own stand.

We would like to invite you to come and visit us at stand 561 in hall A3.
