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Symposium on PT evaluation at the 2014 IAFP meeting organized in cooperation with the U.S. FDA

Within the framework of the annual meeting of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) taking place in Indianapolis (USA) on 3-6 August 2014,QuoData is organizing a symposium in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The symposium will focus on topics relating to the efficient planning and evaluation of proficiency tests and on the question of establishing a Laboratory Quality Culture. QuoData's scientific head, Steffen Uhlig, will give the following talk: "Effective PT Data Analysis and Laboratory Quality Culture".


More room for new challenges – we have moved

We have moved. After more than 10 years in the offices at Kaitzer Straße, QuoData has now moved to new premises in Dresden’s Blasewitz district, close to the “Blue Wonder” bridge. The new building is larger and offers enough room for QuoData’s growing volume of work.

By mid-December, all employees had packed their things and moved to the new rooms in an historic mansion from the late 19th century on Prellerstraße. Meanwhile all boxes have been unpacked and we are available as usual. Our new address is as follows:


QuoData presents the results of the current GSR Proficiency Test and the results of a collaborative study on the Forensic Determination of Shooting Distances

The 20th annual meeting of the ENFSI expert working group Firearms/GSR (Gunshot residues) takes place in Riga, Latvia on 10-13 September.QuoData being a longtime partner of the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) will provide the latest results of the GSR proficiency test. Furthermore, the collaborative study on the Forensic Determination of Shooting Distances funded by the EU and performed in 2012, was analyzed by QuoData with assistance of BKA experts. The results are presented now at the meeting.


Meet QuoData at annual AOAC meeting and PT Conf 2013

In the upcoming month, QuoData will be represented at two events with its main focus on proficiency tests.

Catch us up, from 25-28 August on the annual AOAC Meeting 2013 in Chicago.

Every year the AOAC, which is focusing on the development of international norms and standards, organizes a meeting where scientists from industry, public institutions and universities can exchange.


Statistisch abgesicherte Interpretation von SPR-Biochipsignalen via SPRING. Statistically Verified SPR Data Analysis via SPRING

Statistisch abgesicherte Interpretation von SPR-Biochipsignalen via SPRING. Statistically Verified SPR Data Analysis via SPRING

Krügener, Sven; Hettwer, Karina; Simon, Kirsten; Uhlig, Steffen (2013)

Published in:

tm - Technisches Messen 80 (9), p. 299–304.

Monitoring of endocrine disruptors in waste water treatment using Arxula adeninivorans based biosensors.

Monitoring of endocrine disruptors in waste water treatment using Arxula adeninivorans based biosensors.

Krügener, Sven; Hettwer, Karina; Jähne, Martin; Uhlig, Steffen; Kunze, Gotthard (2013)

Published in:

26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Frankfurt am Main, 29. August - 3. September. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, p. 30(S1), 214.

available upon request

Application of modified Arxula adeninivorans yeast cells in an online biosensor for the detection of estrogenic compounds in wastewater samples.

Application of modified Arxula adeninivorans yeast cells in an online biosensor for the detection of estrogenic compounds in wastewater samples.

Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Kunath, Kirstin; Gehrmann, Linda; Giersberg, Martin; Tuerk, Jochen; Uhlig, Steffen et al. (2013)

Published in:

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 185, p. 628–637.