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A new profile likelihood confidence interval for the mean probability of detection in collaborative studies of binary test methods.

A new profile likelihood confidence interval for the mean probability of detection in collaborative studies of binary test methods.

Uhlig, Steffen; Krügener, Sven; Gowik, Petra (2013)

Published in:

Accreditation and Quality Assurance 18 (5), p. 367–372.

QuoData at InterLabTec 2013 in Munich

13 March | QuoData at InterLabTec 2013 in Munich

QuoData will present itself on 13-15 March 2013 at the InterLabTec in Munich.

The InterLabTec is an international trade fair for quality management, analytics and sustainability in laboratories and production of the food industry. The general program offers a large number of lectures and workshops that revolve around the themes analytics, quality and efficiency in the food sector.


QuoData signed framework agreement with the OECD

21 January | QuoData signed framework agreement with the OECD

Based on the internationally acknowledged expertise of QuoData in the area of strategic quality assurance, especially in optimization and validation of methods, QuoData was chosen by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) to assist with the OECD Test Guidelines.


QuoData Vortrag auf der 2. Internationalen Konferenz "Mineral Resources - Reference Material"

26. November | QuoData Vortrag auf der 2. Internationalen Konferenz "Mineral Resources - Reference Material"

>>Bei der 2. Internationalen Konferenz "Mineral Resources - Reference Material", die vom 27. - 28. November 2012 in Ulan Bator stattfindet, wird die QuoData mit einer Präsentation vertreten sein.


QuoData presents tumor marker research center at 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference

19 November | QuoData presents tumor marker research center at 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference

From 22. - 23. November the 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference takes place in Munich.

At the conference, the most recent state in the field of biomarker research is presented. In addition, various aspects of personalized medicine are dicussed in panel discussions and workshops.

QuoData with contribution at the Langenauer Wasserforum

12 November | QuoData with contribution at the Langenauer Wasserforum

QuoData will be on location at the Langenauer Wasserforum, which takes place from 12 - 13 November in Langenau, Germany, with its own contribution.

The forum offers an opportunity to discuss about the latest developments in the area of water and environmental analysis. Furthermore there is an exhibition of equipment and posters. 
