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Interlab comparison as a service

Streamline the Design and Management of Your Interlab Comparisons

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Expert service for independent interlab comparison providers (method validation and proficiency testing) that want to grow their schemes.

How you and your customers can benefit from the unique QuoData expertise:

  • outstanding reports and certificates provided by experienced QuoData specialists
  • outsource time-consuming and complex tasks flexibly – QuoData has a workflow for all aspects of interlab comparisons: study design, statistics, reporting online data entry and much more
  • combine reporting services with web-based solutions and expert guidance

Free consultation – get a quote!

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Diverse team of smiling scientists with tablet computer, working in laboratory environment
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You want to grow your PT schemes, streamline the design of interlab comparisons and save resources?

QuoData is a flexible partner that can free up resources. The QuoData team takes on tasks that require a lot of time and riche expertise. Outsource to the QuoData team – ISO/IEC 17043 compliant. Focus on your core competencies and grow your programme.

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QuoData is ISO/IEC 17043 accredited

QuoData is an accredited proficiency testing provider with German DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010

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A diverse group of laboratory workers in protective gear preparing samples
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Online data entry and study management QuoData has powerful solutions for managing interlab comparisons studies online

– collect data, enroll participants, publish reports and stay in touch with laboratories –

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GSR Proficiency Testing Scheme

(on behalf of ENFSI)

QuoData is organizing and evaluating annual rounds of the international proficiency testing scheme for the detection and classification of gunshot residues for forensic laboratories. 

This PT scheme has been accredited in accordance with 
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010.

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SDD Proficiency Testing Scheme

(on behalf of ENFSI)

QuoData is organizing and evaluating annual rounds of the international proficiency testing scheme for the estimation of the shooting distance by chemographical coloring for forensic laboratories.

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