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Customer Success Stories

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From the beginning, we've ensured the establishment of excellent communication with our customers. Our close cooperation with customers works two-fold: for one, we gain valuable insight into what's working in our products and what needs improvement. Secondly, it helps foster an excellent relationship with our customers.

They get the assistance and support they need, when they need it

As part of QuoData's unparalleled customer support, we regularly ask for feedback on customer satisfaction. Below is what our clients have told us about our products and services.

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Customer stories

Al Borg Labs

PROLab used in PTs for diagnostic tests in the Middle East

Al Borg Laboratories established in 1998 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is the largest chain of private laboratories in the Gulf Region with branches in Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. They provide a wide range of clinical and diagnostic tests for clients including commercial and public hospitals, clinics, banks, airlines, pharmaceutical companies and insurance agencies.

Al Borg Medical Laboratories established an Interlaboratory Quality Assessment Surveys (IQAS) Program to enable laboratories to compare their performance against one another and to assure the reliability of test results while at the same time, satisfying the Saudi national accreditation program (CBAHI).

Before making the switch to PROLab in 2012, Al Borg Medical Laboratories began the search for a more comprehensive software than Excel for the evaluation of interlaboratory comparison studies. PROLab offered ease of use, adherence to international standards and the availability of different statistical calculations for interlaboratory tests.

PROLab is an all-in-one solution designed for interlaboratory study providers in the carrying out of interlaboratory studies: from planning & organizing, to performing and analysis. What made PROLab stand out from other alternatives and Excel for Al Borg Laboratories was its ability to work with outliers, its ability to perform complete calculations and its visually appealing graphics.

QuoData customized the PROLab software to suit the specific PT style of Al Borg Laboratories including adding the option to upload the Total Allowable Error (TAE) directly, instead of assigning separate reference standard deviations for the upper and lower limit.

PROLab provided a solution apart from Excel that combines the following major activities into one program: graphical presentation of data, the summary of round results, and a database of participating laboratories. The switch to PROLab has also meant faster and easier calculations and more options for the import of participant lab results.

IMS Institute about PROLab

The IMS had been looking for a powerful PT tool that would make it easier to meet international quality standards. In the past, the IMS previously used Excel with add-ons and then tested both Tableau Reader and StatCalc, which were deemed either too complicated was too limited in its functions.

The IMS decided on PROLab for its fast and thorough results, its usefulness in preparing for PT participation and its opportunity for development. PROLab software is a comprehensive tool designed to enable PT providers to plan, organize, deliver and evaluate PTs. PROLab helped ensure compliance with international PT requirements and surpassed more common products in its range of capabilities.

What are the two biggest reasons the IMS Institute of Serbia recommends PROLab?

  • Excellent visualization of data
  • Produces results that everyone can understand
  • Die Reportfunktion und die graphischen Darstellungen von PROLab sind sehr, sehr hilfreich!

    - Monika Ratte, Managing Director

  • PROLab was appreciated by all participating labs due to the fact that it follows International ISO standards and has good presentation of statistically analyzed interpreted data.

    - Angamuthu Manoharan, Senior Scientist 

  • Even with the demo, I was able to use the software with minimum intervention from the PROLab team, especially taking into account that I am located in South Africa.

    - Lucky Mumba, Laboratory Manager

  • PROLab gave us new ideas for how to solve problem and we were impressed with the visualization of data and its fast results.

    - Milenko Maricic, Lead Engineer at Institute IMS

  • Using PROLab saves us a lot of time in every phase of evaluation. The powerful statistical and graphical possibilities enhance the value we get from the data.

    - Alicia Najera, International QA Manager

  • Ich lobpreise ihre PROLab software so oft ich irgendwo Kollegen mit ähnlichen Herausforderungen treffe.

    - Patrick Galler, R&D Engineer

  • Nous avons pu voir étendue des capacités du logiciel PROLAB Plus et nous en sommes impressionnés. autre part ce logiciel est un outil très utile qui facilite considérablement exploitation de données intercomparaisons.

    - Isabelle Vu, Research Engineer

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Elkem and PROLab

"For the first time since I started 5 years ago, the ring attempt was finally able to adhere to its budget goals and report periods. Now it is really a child's play and we can think about various improvements in the program instead of rummaging through day to day."

Here are Elkems 3 main reasons for the use of Prolab: 

  • Make workflows for ring tests and ring tests more effective
  • Reduction of the cost of carrying out ring tests
  • Increasing the flexibility of the Elkem ring test program

The biggest advantage in your eyes: 

“It is much more flexible than Excel macros and offers excellent options for presenting results!”

Elkem's R&D team recommends PROLab primarily because of its effectiveness:

"VERY USEFUL TOOL! It has significantly reduced our ring testing program costs and added more value to Elkem labs. (I'm not a sales person, but it's a fact)."

Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg

IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) is an independent, non-profit biobank based in Luxembourg dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients. IBBL provides biobanking services in accordance with international standards, including the collection, processing, analysis and storage of biological samples. In addition, the IBBL regularly carries out biosample research. IBBL's mission is to provide high-quality biospecimens and data, promote scientific excellence, catalyze partnerships and support research.

IBBL offers a proficiency testing (PT) program that allows laboratories working with biospecimens to compare their performance with that of other expert laboratories. Participating laboratories can evaluate the accuracy, precision and efficiency of their methods for characterizing biospecimens (DNA quantification and purity, RNA integrity, cell viability, tissue histology) or nucleic acid extraction methods (DNA/RNA from whole blood or FFPE cells).

To carry out the round robin tests, the IBBL relies on online data collection from QuoData for data exchange and communication with the participating laboratories. This simplifies the upload and transmission of participant data. The web application allows the use of PT test-specific surveys and flexible online or offline payment options. To ensure smooth implementation, QuoData has adapted the appearance to the IBBL website.

In addition, IBBL uses PROLab for organizing, analyzing and reporting PT programs.

Tramecon's opinion on PROLab (Interview)

How difficult or easy was it to get started with PROLab?:

“Even with the demo, I was able to use the software with minimal intervention from the PROLab team, especially considering I am based in South Africa. PROLab staff are professional and knowledgeable. Furthermore, the software is easy to use and comes with detailed instructions.

Did PROLab help you overcome the challenges you had before?:

“PROLab has helped us build good business opportunities with our customers. Mentioning PROLab makes people trust our products - we have fewer customer complaints, we can generate our reports faster than before, and the graphs and data manipulations are just a… With just a tap. We have the ability to play around with the data our customers need.”

How is PROLab different from other alternatives you have tried or considered?:

“PROLab has more functionality than simple Excel tables. The costs are also fair for the market. With other products you buy the entire package and only use 40% of the functions. The rest are expensive add-ons.”

How has PROLab helped you achieve your business goals?:

“With PROLab we have expanded the business and received recognition from accreditation bodies. Now we have the opportunity to interact with laboratories seeking accreditation: we started with the raw material Chromium and now we have over six raw materials in the areas of Iron, Manganese, Copper, PGMs, Nickel and Cobalt. We continue to expand.”

What’s the single biggest reason you would recommend PROLab?:

"PROLab offers world class technical assistance with instantly positive results - constant updates and improvements of the product, live support via skype. You can never go wrong!"

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“We have been using the PROLab software for over a year now. Thanks to this software my work has become much easier!

Our organization conducts large-scale interlaboratory testing for environmental analysis laboratories around the world. PROLab software has made our data analysis more efficient and useful compared to any other software we have tried in the past. We also get fantastic tables and charts that we can easily integrate into our reports. But what really sets PROLab apart is the incredible customer service that is second to none.

Any questions or concerns I have, no matter how simple or technical, are answered promptly, very professionally and in an easy to understand manner. I would highly recommend anyone to purchase this software!”

- Kyle S., Canada (Company name withheld for confidentiality reasons)