PROLab: software for interlaboratory comparisons
Advanced statistics and reports for interlaboratory comparisons
For organizers of interlaboratory comparisons with the highest scientific requirements.
Your benefits at a glance:
- ISO 17043Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing and ISO 13528Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison compliant (validated algorithms)
- built-in ISO 5725 Part 1-6Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results for interlaboratory method validation
- customize report templates and automate your workflow

Interlaboratory comparison statistics at your fingertips – with PROLab:
PROLab is a worldwide reference software for statistical evaluation of interlaboratory comparisons. It supports its users with highly flexible tools for homogeneity testing, several modes for calculating the assigned value and scores.
This makes PROLab the ultimate toolbox for interlaboratory comparisons
Powerful statistics for interlaboratory study data
The statistical tools in PROLab are unmatched with regard to extent and flexibility
- ISO 13528/ISO 5725-5 (A+S algorithm)
- ISO 5725-2 for method validation studies
- ISO 13528 (Q/Hampel)
- Swiss Food Manual
- Q/Huber method
- Adaptive Horwitz function
Scores in PROLab
Z-scores / SDI (Standard Deviation Index)
In order to describe measurement deviations independently of the sample and measured variable (analyte), Z-Scores can be calculated in PROLab. Z-Scores represent the number of standard deviations by which a measurement result is above or below the assigned value.
With PROLab it is also possible to carry out laboratory assessments with flexible tolerance limits and using different scores, e.g. Z'- and Zu-Scores.
Advanced scores
- Zu scores (ISO/TS 20612:2007)
- En Scores
- Zeta Scores & Z' scores
Combination scores
- SSZ (Sum of Squared Z‑Scores)
- RLP (Relative Laboratory Performance)
- RSZ (Rescaled Sum of Z‑Scores)
Other statistical tools
Evaluation across samples and interlaboratory trials
- Z-score histograms with options to evaluate results across samples, labs, tests, or metrics
- Kernel density estimator (KDE)
- Visualization of laboratory performance over time: track the performance of selected laboratories across several interlaboratory tests
Dispersion diagram according to ISO 13528
To assess the laboratories, you can also include the internal laboratory standard deviation in addition to the laboratory mean. For this purpose, the mean values and standard deviations are graphically compared with the associated statistical confidence range.
Kernel density estimator (KDE) according to the Harmonized Protocol (IUPAC, 2006)
The so-called kernel density estimator is used to estimate the result distribution for a selected sample-feature combination. This becomes particularly important if the measured value distribution deviates significantly from the normal distribution. The distribution of results is shown either for all laboratories or for a selected laboratory. The most likely value can also be used to evaluate the laboratories.
HORRAT analysis
The HORRAT trend makes it possible to carry out an interlaboratory study of the dependence of the comparison standard deviation on the respective concentration of the analyte.
For this purpose, the Horwitz ratio, i.e. the quotient of the empirical and the classical Horwitz standard deviation, is shown. You can also choose between the display for one characteristic (with trend correction) and a display for all characteristics.
Analysis of nested interlaboratory tests
PROLab enables the evaluation of nested interlaboratory tests according to DIN ISO 5725-3, in which 2 x 3 measurements are carried out under different conditions (e.g. 3 repeat measurements on 2 different days or by 2 different processors). ) be performed.
The result of this evaluation is the so-called intermediate standard deviation, which provides information about the precision of the procedure in the laboratory if not all conditions are kept constant.
Homogeneity and stability of interlaboratory testing samples
With PROLab you can evaluate tests for the homogeneity of your interlaboratory testing samples. In addition, you can also evaluate stability data with PROLab.
Import the results of your homogeneity test from Excel, code the test portions in PROLab and evaluate the results - including a written interpretation.
PROLab carries out homogeneity and stability analyzes in accordance with ISO 13528 and Harmonized Protocol (IUPAC, 2006).
Additional benefits and services
Inclusive services for PROLab users
- Regular Updates
PROLab is regularly updated to optimize the use of the program and ensure that it complies with the latest scientific standards and international norms. - Software validation
PROLab's quality assurance includes regular validation of calculations as well as automated and manual testing to ensure that reports, calculations and diagrams are output correctly. Software validation is carried out regularly and QuoData can provide its customers with a validation certificate and a full validation report for accreditation purposes.
Additional benefits and services
Workshops & Web seminars
We organize workshops on software usage, interlaboratory testing statistics and relevant standards.
In addition to our regular English and German workshops, we offer in-house training in German, English, French or Spanish.
To arrange a workshop on site, please contact us. Workshops are open to users and non-users alike.
Advanced technical support
For those who need additional assistance getting started, we offer personal support via email or telephone (included in the license fee).
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CET
Additionally, we offer a technical helpdesk that goes well beyond the free technical support hours included in every PROLab license - to answer any questions about application, data management and report templates.
Statistics support
Do you need expert advice when designing a study or evaluating data? Statistical support is available via email or telephone as part of a helpdesk package.
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CET
For further information please contact us:
Customization (chargeable)
Customize PROLab to your needs for a fully integrated workflow. The customization of PROLab is carried out by our team of software developers.
Adjustments are billed by the hour depending on the scope and benefit for the PROLab community.
QuoData is ISO/IEC 17043 accredited
QuoData is an accredited proficiency testing provider with German DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010