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Evaluation and validation of a novel Arxula adeninivorans estrogen screen (nAES) assay and its application in analysis of wastewater, seawater, brackish water and urine. Special Section: Integrating Water and Agricultural Management Under Climate Change.

Evaluation and validation of a novel Arxula adeninivorans estrogen screen (nAES) assay and its application in analysis of wastewater, seawater, brackish water and urine. Special Section: Integrating Water and Agricultural Management Under Climate Change.

Kaiser, Christian; Uhlig, Steffen; Gerlach, Torsten; Körner, Martina; Simon, Kirsten; Kunath, Kirstin et al. (2010)

Published in:

Science of The Total Environment 408 (23), p. 6017–6026.

On-Chip-Detection of phyto-pathogenical RNA Viruses

2010 | On-Chip-Detection of phyto-pathogenical RNA Viruses

The R&D project develops a rapid test for the detection of phyto-pathogenical RNA viruses in plants as a lab-on-a-chip system. QuoData supports the project with its extensive know-how about factorial design and optimization of measurement parameters to statistically verify the measurement.

BioLED Sensor for the Detection of Steroids

2010 | BioLED Sensor for the Detection of Steroids

QuoData is the coordinator of the research project and responsible for the mathematical-statistical analysis of the measured data. The project aims for the development of a biological measuring system for the accumulation and detection of steroids and steroid-like substances in watery samples.

Xplor® 2-an optimized transformation/expression system for recombinant protein production in the yeast Arxula adeninivorans.

Xplor® 2-an optimized transformation/expression system for recombinant protein production in the yeast Arxula adeninivorans.

Böer, Erik; Piontek, Michael; Kunze, Gotthard (2009)

Published in:

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 84 (3), p. 583–594.