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r&d projects

Call for Participation: Collaborative Study on the Characterization of Soil Invertebrate Communities Using DNA Metabarcoding

Overview and Aim of the Study

QuoData is excited to announce the collaborative study on the characterization of soil invertebrate communities using DNA metabarcoding. 

This study aims to validate genetic methods for soil invertebrate community characterization, focusing on DNA extraction and metabarcoding PCRs. These methods will be used for soil quality assessment. The validated methods will be submitted to ISO for preparation of new ISO standards.

KI MOD PEM for quality control in PEM fuel cell technology

QuoData is pleased to be part of the KI MOD PEM project (AI-based modular mapping of the PEMFC-MEA manufacturing process for quality control of intermediate and end products). This project is supported by the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM), a nationwide, technology- and industry-open funding program. KI MOD PEM has a duration of 2.5 years and runs until April 30, 2026.

MetaInvert-ISO: QuoData Teams Up with Leading Institutions to Safeguard Soil Biodiversity

QuoData GmbH is proud to join forces with the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research (SGN), Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME (Fraunhofer IME), and SME partners – Institut Dr. Nowak GmbH & Co. KG, in the MetaInvert-ISO project.

The Emergence of Maia - An open-source tool for video analysis of iPSC-CMs

The Emergence of Maia - An open-source tool for video analysis of iPSC-CMs

There's a tremendous growth noticed in the studies of induced pluripotent stem-cells derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs). Biomedical image & signal processing techniques are increasingly used in the analysis of stem cell studies, regenerative & therapeutic medicines, organ-on-chip studies, etc.

Digitization and artificial intelligence are finding their way into viticulture

SmartGrape - AI-based MIR measuring system for determining quality in viticulture With the „SmartGrape“ project, QuoData and the partner institutes aim to analyze the quality determining characteristics of grapes by combining a miniaturized infrared spectrometer with an artificial intelligence (AI) approach.

QuoData contributes to Joint Action SHARP (Strengthened International Health Regulations and Preparedness in the EU)

In order to ensure the highest level of health protection for all EU citizens, an EU funded Joint Action for health security has been launched. Entitled Joint Action SHARP (Strengthened International Health Regulations and Preparedness in the EU), the project is coordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland, and co-coordinated by the Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), Germany.

The HERMES project – at the heart of improving human health

QuoData is thrilled to kickstart a new project called HERMES (Highspeed Erfassung und Regelung Mikrophysiologischer Eigenschaften mit einer intelligenten Steuerung), along with the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS), the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden (Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology) and

Joint research project – app to determine the best before date

Often food is still edible after the best before date, but is still sorted out by the consumer.

On the other hand storage conditions that are not optimal can shorten the shelf life.

A joint research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is to find a remedy.

QuoData presents tumor marker research center at 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference

19 November | QuoData presents tumor marker research center at 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference

From 22. - 23. November the 2nd Munich Biomarker Conference takes place in Munich.

At the conference, the most recent state in the field of biomarker research is presented. In addition, various aspects of personalized medicine are dicussed in panel discussions and workshops.