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Separation and identification of hormone-active compounds using a combination of chromatographic separation and yeast-based reporter assay.

Separation and identification of hormone-active compounds using a combination of chromatographic separation and yeast-based reporter assay.

Chamas, Alexandre; Pham, Ha Thi Minh; Jähne, Martin; Hettwer, Karina; Gehrmann, Linda; Tuerk, Jochen; Uhlig, Steffen; Simon, Kirsten; Baronian, Kim; Kunze, Gotthard (2017)

Published in:

Science of The Total Environment 605-606, S. 507–513.

Evaluation of the interlaboratory test 2015 – 2016 on the method UN Test L.2 “Sustained combustibility test” / EN ISO 9038:2013 “Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids"

Evaluation of the interlaboratory test 2015 – 2016 on the method UN Test L.2 “Sustained combustibility test” / EN ISO 9038:2013 “Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids"

Brandes, Elisabeth; Colson, Bertrand; Frost, Kirstin; Lüth, Peter; Simon, Kirsten; Stolz, T.; Uhlig, Steffen (2017)

Published in:

Final Report. Hg. v. BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung. Berlin

In-depth training and technical advice for proficiency tests in India

QuoData can look back at more than 20 years of experience in the planning and evaluation of proficiency tests (PT). As part of a project of the European Commission, a Data Scientist of the QuoData shared his experience and basics in the evaluation of proficiency tests with selected food safety scientists from 22nd – 26th May 2017 in Mumbai, India.


QuoData successfully completed its international workshop for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies

QuoData's 2017 international workshop on proficiency testing and interlaboratory method validation studies, which took place in Berlin for the first time, was well-received. Participants from Hong Kong, Hungary, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, The Netherlands and Germany attended the three-day in-depth training. QuoData experts, Christian Bläul (head of IT) and Bertrand Colson (Data Scientist), provided insights into interlaboratory lab assessment and method validation using QuoData software, PROLab.


Measurement uncertainty in the case of large and heterogeneous variances: A new approach for the calculation of asymmetric uncertainty intervals.

Measurement uncertainty in the case of large and heterogeneous variances: A new approach for the calculation of asymmetric uncertainty intervals.

Uhlig, Steffen; Gowik, Petra (in Bearbeitung)

Published in:

Accreditation and Quality Assurance.