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Workshop on Qualitative Microbiological Method Validation and Statistics received well

QuoData conducted a three day workshop from November 28 to 30, 2018 under the aegis of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Institute for Food Safety and Health (IIT Chicago); in Chicago, USA.

This was the first part of a series curated by QuoData to train microbiologists, food safety professionals and scientists from testing laboratories, industrial and research institutions, and regulatory agencies.


Neu: Workshopreihe von QuoData und U.S. Food and Drug Administration zum Thema Methodenvalidierung

Mit der wachsenden Anzahl von qualitativen Analyseverfahren steigt auch der Bedarf bezüglich Methodenvalidierung. Für die Schulung von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern aus Prüflaboren, Industrie- und Zulassungslabors im Bereich der Mikrobiologie hat die QuoData für die U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) einen dreitägigen Kurs entwickelt, der sich mit der Validierung qualitativer mikrobiologischer Methoden befasst.


Introducing a joint workshop series with US FDA: attend workshop on validation of qualitative microbiological methods

The need for method validation in terms of experimental design, data analysis, performance evaluation and competence determination is increasing with the growing number of available methods for qualitative analyses.

To train microbiologists, food safety professionals and scientists in testing laboratories, industrial and research institutions, and regulatory agencies, QuoData along with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Institute for Food Safety and Health (IIT Chicago); have developed a three-day course on validation of qualitative microbiological methods.


QuoData presents research results at AOAC, BERM-15 and FachPack

QuoData regularly attends events of the scientific community all over the world to present novel approaches for analytical quality assurance and establish further contacts.


132nd AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition: 26 - 29 August 2018

At this meeting in Toronto, Canada, leading scientists met to discuss a variety of analytical requirements and new standards in the field of quality assurance. The CEOs of QuoData were also present.

QuoData is the leading coordinator of the standardization process of the method A-YES

The standardization process of A-YES (ISO 19040-2 "Water quality - Determination of the estrogenic potential of water and waste water - Part 2: Yeast Estrogen Screen (A-YES, Arxula adeninivorans))" has been completed.


For this reason the A-YES test procedure is a valid ISO standard for measuring the estrogenic potential of water and it is commercially available in various A-YES® test kit versions at new_diagnostics.


Treffen Sie die QuoData Data Scientists beim AOAC Meeting und der BERM-15

In August and September QuoData will participate in two events.

There QuoData's Data Scientists will present new solutions for analytical quality assurance, in particular for interlaboratory tests and method validation studies, which are based on tailored mathematical-statistical approaches and powerful web tools.
