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Start of the GSR proficiency test 2019

On behalf of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), international proficiency tests for the identification of gunshot residues (GSR) have been carried out for many years.

Since 2009, QuoData has been organizing and evaluating the annual proficiency tests of the GSR quality system on behalf of ENFSI independently.


Each participant receives a specially prepared sample to identify all typical GSR particles (lead, barium and antimony) using his own laboratory specific method of automated GSR particle search by SEM/EDS.

The primary purpose of this proficiency testing program is to improve and maintain the performance of the laboratories.

Laboratories will be assisted to detect and correct any inaccuracy in their reported results related to the detection and identification of GSR by SEM/EDS. The interlaboratory comparison enables participating institutions to demonstrate the quality of their measurements to accreditation bodies and other authorities.


The registration for this year's GSR proficiency test began on 15 April 2019. You can register for the PT here.

More information can be found on QuoData Twitter channel (German and English) or its LinkedIn channel and here.
