Registration opens for IBBL biospecimen PT rounds in Luxembourg - RingDat Online to be an integral aspect in performance of PT

IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) officially opened registrations for its latest round of 7 PT schemes on August 18, 2014.
IBBL provides a Proficiency Testing (PT) Program which allows laboratories working with biospecimens to compare their performance to that of other expert laboratories. Participating laboratories can assess the accuracy, precision and efficiency of their biospecimen characterization methods (DNA quantification and purity, RNA integrity, cell viability, tissue histology) or nucleic acid extraction methods (DNA/RNA from whole blood or FFPE cells).
IBBL first and foremost is a provider of independent not-for-profit biobanking services. To realize this, IBBL carries out the collection, storage and analysis of biological samples and associated data. Additionally, IBBL provides a PT program through the production of quality control material, the organization of the logistics and the analysis of participants’ results. IBBL provides a tool of External Quality Assessment (EQA), which is of particular importance to laboratories wanting to comply with certification and accreditation requirements, such as ISO 17025. In the past 4 years, IBBL has performed 12 rounds and had over 200 participating laboratories.
To facilitate their PT rounds, IBBL has chosen QuoData's RingDat Online for their user interface. RingDat Online enables the use of scheme-specific questionnaires and flexible online or offline payment options. For the organization, analysis and reporting of PT schemes, IBBL uses QuoData's PROLab. This allows for the creation of automatically generated and delivered reports up to 40 pages in length and contains validated statistical calculations e.g. for homogeneity, and the robust consensus mean for the assigned value.
For more information or to sign up for IBBL’s PTs, click here
To enquire on how you can implement RingDat Online for your schemes, contact us
About IBBL
IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) is an independent, not-for-profit Luxembourg-based biobank dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients. IBBL has built an integrated infrastructure to offer biobanking services in compliance with international standards, including the collection, processing, analysis and storage of biological samples. In addition, IBBL carries out biospecimen research as a tool for continuous improvement. The mission of IBBL is to provide high-quality biospecimens and data, foster scientific excellence, catalyse partnerships and support research that translates today’s discoveries into tomorrow’s healthcare solutions. For more information, please visit